Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Blog

Please visit us at to see our new blog! Be sure to click on the "blog" tab from the main page. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Treasure Box

Do your kids have any metal lunch boxes hanging around the house? My son does (and it is always full of his 'treasures')! I was looking at it the other day and I decided it was a little ragged and needed a makeover.

This is an incredibly simple project! All you need is:

your favorite card stock
A metal lunch box
Some mod podge
Paint/foam brush
Corner rounder
An ink or chalk pad (optional).

Grab your box... Here we go!

Measure the length and width of the front/back and the flat space that runs around the middle.

Cut your paper according to your measurements. The front of my box measured 5.5X4" but I cut the paper slightly smaller so there was a 1/8" border around the paper. I cut my center piece into 3 strips that measured about 1.25X6" each.

After that I rounded the corners. (If you don't have a corner rounder, we have one in store that you're welcome to use!)

After the paper was cut, I used a chalk pad to 'distress' the edges of the paper. An ink pad can also be used. I love the way paper looks when "chalked", but this step is optional.

When you're all done, brush Mod Podge all over the front of the box. Try not to let it spill over the edge to the sides.

Put on a piece of paper and rub it in place, starting from the center and working out towards the edges. Then paint the center with Mod Podge. After this side has a chance to dry, flip it over and repeat this step on the other side.

Add one strip, starting at the spot where the handle is attached to the box. You will have to hold it until it stays in place. Flip the box over and repeat...then add the strip that runs along the very bottom.

The paper I chose had this cute section with airplanes so I cut a strip out and Mod Podged it in the center of the back piece.

I also cut some of the cars out of the paper and Mod Podged them around the center strip.

My "Treasure Box" sign was made using cut vinyl but you can use Sticker Letters, Card Stock Letters, or even dye cuts. I put my letters on a piece of white card stock, distressed the edges with brown chalk, and Mod Podged them onto the front of my box.

My son Loves this box and can't wait to put in his treasures!
You could also use it as:

a "mini suitecase". Just throw in some toys, magnets, crayons and paper and your kiddo's will be entertained for hours on road trips.


a personalized Lunch Box for school lunches.

The possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Summer is in full swing so we decided to make a fun project to take our minds off the heat! These flowers are incredibly cute and super easy to make.

Here's what you'll need:
-Card Stock
-Hot Glue Gun

Step 1:
Cut a circle out of your paper. You can do any size, depending on how big you want your flower to end up being.

Step 2:
Beginning with the outside edge, cut in a spiral towards the center.

Step 3:
roll your paper into a tight coil. Continue rolling until you reach the center.

Step 4:
Release the coil and watch it blossom into a beautiful flower!

Step 5:
Place some hot glue on the center point of the spiral and press into the bottom of the flower.

Step 6:
Cut a leaf shape out of green card stock.

Step 7:
Fold the leaf at the bottom then place a little dab of glue in the crease.

Step 8:
Glue the leaf to the bottom of the flower.

Step 9:
Cut a piece of wire to your desired length. Fold 1/4-1/2 inch of the end so it makes a right angle. Add a dab of glue to the bottom of the flower and stick the angled piece of wire into it. Be sure to hold it in place until the wire is secure.

And you're done!

So if you're looking for a something fun to do this summer, stop by any of our locations to grab some great card stock and vinyl lettering...then get crafting!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Facebook Daily Deals

Steamroller Copies introduces “The Summer of Color” Facebook daily deals!
“Friend” Steamroller Copies on Facebook and watch for daily posts announcing our Hot, Sizzlin’ deal of the day. Look for incredible deals on copies, canvas’s, banners, business cards, flyers, wedding invitations, binding, laminating, blue prints, scrapbook supplies, brochures, cut vinyl and MORE!
Don’t forget to mention you saw the deal on Facebook. Available at any Steamroller location:
St. George Blvd., South River Road, or State Street in Hurricane.
Steamroller Copies. Always asking…… “What do you want to print today?”

Monday, April 4, 2011

Open House - March 31, 2011

Thank you everyone for coming out to our open house on March 31st. What a huge success. We had a few hundred people join us on this special day to welcome Nina to our team. Great food, great raffle prizes and lots of laughs. A big thank you goes out to our Raffle Sponsors; St. George Ford/Quick Lane, Sherry McGhee/State Farm Insurance, Mega Pro, SouthWest Vision, Dr. Dave Middleton/Southern Utah Chiropractic and Golf Fitness, Cherry Creek Radio and Massage by Will.

We also kicked off our new Steamroller Memories line. Cut vinyl wall words. Any style, any saying.

Another great addition we kicked off was our QR Codes. Free with every set of business card orders. Add your QR code to any print advertising, flyer's, posters, invites, TV ads etc. containing:
Business websites, Event details, landing pages, competition details, product details, coupons, contact details, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace Id's, offer details or a link to your YouTube Video. Re-direct your QR link at anytime - Anywhere!

Thank you all again,

Steamroller Copies

Monday, December 8, 2008



Copies • Graphic Design • Blueprints • Scrapbook • Finish Work

always asking...

What Do You Want To Print Today?